The Key Ingredient (in Logic Models)

eggs and flour

 Does this ever happen to you?

You find a yummy-looking recipe on Instagram or Pinterest and decide you MUST make it. Perhaps the moon and the stars all align, and you have all the ingredients you need.

It is a sign!

You get to work, maybe you even skim the recipe a time or two.

You get started only to find that you skimmed over an important step. Maybe you forgot to soften the butter. Maybe you need chocolate that is at least 67% Cocoa. Maybe the dough has to rise for 4 hours and you will be out of the house at the peak time to bake. UGH!

That happens to me all the time.

 What does baking have to do with Logic Models?

Well, I do love to cook and bake. This weekend I made sourdough English muffins. Yes, I did.

I also love a great LM!

Just like there is a logic behind the steps of a recipe, there is a logic behind Logic Models.

But the one thing people often forget about Logic Models is the 😊 logic.

Logic Models, besides being the recipe behind the work you are trying to do, is your map. They have directionality explained through a series of If- Then statements.

These If-Then statements are the power behind a LM.

Maybe you joined our little group here because you saw our nifty little LM guide and template. But if you missed it, grab it here. Maybe even share it with a friend. 

I promise, it’s a very simple recipe!

Take Care-



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